The USB temperature and humidity datalogger stores readings in its internal memory for later download to a PC.
The USB temperature and humidity datalogger stores readings in its internal memory for later download to a PC.
The measurement interval is adjustable - you simply set up the recording parameters then download the data when you need it. The data is recorded at the prescribed intervals and will alert you if preset min/max levels are exceeded. Countless applications including greenhouses, museums, warehouses, container storage, photography, archives, food preparation etc. Mounting bracket and software included:
- 32,700 sample memory
- Adjustable measurement cycle
- Analysis software included
- Software compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista
- Resolution: Humidity 0.1%, temperature 0.1�C
- Range: -40 - 70�C (-40 - 158�F), 0 - 100% relative humidity
- Accuracy: Humidity �3%, temperature �1%
- Memory: 32,700 samples
- Measurement cycle: 1s - 24h
- Dimensions: 95(H) x 50(W) x 32(D)mm